Leadership and IC statistics calculated without including offmap production.
GDP: Calculated as the sale value of the country's resource production, plus the country's base IC.
Resources per IC: The proportion of the country's base IC it can support with its base resource production (not counting conversion).
There are a total of 1483 Air Base, 1739 Naval Base, and 714 Anti Air on the map.
There are a total of 5876 Energy, 3165 Metal, 1373.1 Rare Materials, and 1030 Crude Oil on the map.
There are a total of 1164 Victory Points, 1751 IC, 211.99 Leadership, and 1611.4 Manpower on the map.
The statistics below do not take this into account. If there are any gaps between 1 and the last ID, this shows up.
All countries get offmap production of 5 IC, 2 Leadership, and 1 Manpower. TAG is missing a history file - The tag is defined in /Hearts of Iron IV/common/countrytags but is lacking an entry in /Hearts of Iron IV/history/countries Definition for state id is either missing or invalid - States in /Hearts of Iron IV/history/states cannot go out of order.
Based on 1936 statistics without taking into account techs, laws, minsters, events, overseas modifier (-75% manpower, -90% leadership particularly important for United Kingdom), or other modifiers.
Country names link to country's statistics page.
PLEASE READ THIS FIRST: This is a simple sum of all province values, which may not match the in-game amount (see below). This article may need to be rewritten in part or entirely.